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Pet Rules Reminder

Published: August 13, 2024

This is a friendly reminder regarding the community's pet rules and covenant enforcement, which are in place to maintain a safe and clean environment for all residents.

Please be mindful of the following common pet violations:

    1. Failure to Keep Pets on a Leash
         Pets must always be kept on a leash when outside of the home or fenced yard. This rule helps ensure the safety of pets and residents alike.
    2. Failure to Pick Up After Your Pet
    Residents are responsible for cleaning up after their pets, whether in their own yard, a neighboring yard, or any common areas. This       includes all exterior portions of the community, including areas outside of screening or retaining walls.

As part of our covenant enforcement, fines may be applied if failure to comply with these rules. Please take this opportunity to ensure that you are following the guidelines set forth in the community’s rules and regulations.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping Verandah a pleasant and welcoming place for all.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via web submission at https://verandahhoa.com/contact-us.aspx

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