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Blocked Mailboxes
Published: February 10, 2024
The Verandah HOA has been contacted by the Postal Service that there is a significant problem of the mailboxes being blocked. The current policy of the postal service is to skip delivery to a mailbox blocked by a car, a trash can, or some other obstruction. Carriers are told to bring the mail back and mark it as “box blocked” or something similar. The mail is then reattempted the following business day. Often, mail will go undelivered to a box for several days until the obstruction is removed.
The consequences of blocking mailboxes can be very severe, particularly if one is receiving their medications through the mail. Please note the following excerpt from the Postal Operations Manual 632.14 shown below:
“The customer is responsible for keeping the approach to his or her mailbox clear to facilitate delivery…If the carrier continually experiences a problem in serving curb line boxes and where the customer is able to control on street parking in front of his or her mailbox but does not take prompt corrective action after being properly notified, the postmaster may, with the approval of the district manager, withdraw delivery service.”